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cfp: tourism and the night symposium



Call for abstracts for an interdisciplinary conference on tourism and the night at University of Westminster in July.

The Department of History, Sociology and Criminology, in conjunction with the Tourism and Events Research Group at the University of Westminster, are seeking papers for a two-day symposium on tourism and the night.

»Over the past two decades the night-time economy, and night-time studies more generally, has gained prominence in both academic and policy circles. Much of the focus has been on themes such as youth cultures, alcohol and other drugs, crime and security.One area that has been less explored is the night in relation to tourism. Since the 1990s a number of cities have promoted nightlife as a central component of their tourism strategy and have adopted cultural and economic policies to brand their cities as desirable places for night-time activities.«

Welcome are papers from a wide range of disciplines. There is a small number of travel bursaries available for PhD and recent graduates.

Please send abstracts of 300 words to Dr Adam Eldridge before 13 April 2017.

Tourism and the night symposium
14 July 2017 to 15 July 2017

Location: Regent Campus, 309 Regent Street, London W1B 2HW

Weitere Informationen


Keynote Speakers are Professor Marion Roberts (University of Westminster) and Dr Tim Edensor (Manchester Metropolitan University).


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