Start blog Fotoprojekt: Vom Bleiben

Fotoprojekt: Vom Bleiben

Rechenzentrum (Berlin) | © Giesemann/Schulz

Fotoprojekt der Hamburger André Giesemann und Daniel Schulz zeigt den Morgen danach.

»’Vom Bleiben’ […] documents the moment in which the night at the techno club is over and the visitors have left the location. It is the moment in which the traces of the event become visible. The cleaning-lights illuminating the room evoke a sense of awakening in the visitors. When the clubs close at daytime, we enter their rooms and the battlefield that has been left behind. As soon as the last visitors have left and the cleaning-light has been turned on, we start to photographically record the present scene and atmosphere. The moment before everything is put back in order exists only for a short time. Due to the long exposure time technically required, we artificially extend this moment, the time of exposure matching real time. We have set ourselves the task to document the often only temporary existence of techno clubs over a longer period of time.«

Fotostrecken aus dem Projekt mit Bildern vorwiegend aus Hamburg und Berlin sind unter sowie bei ZEIT online unter zu sehen.


Die beiden Fotografen studieren an der HAW und der HfbK Hamburg Kommunikationsdesign und Industriedesign.

ZEIT online (30.03.2012): Der Morgen danach
Interview mit André Giesemann und Daniel Schulz


Ein herzlicher Dank fĂĽr den Hinweis auf das Projekt geht an Sven Lohmeyer.

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