Start blog Special Issue: Geographies of the night

Special Issue: Geographies of the night


The italian journal »Bollettino Della Società Geografica Italiana« (BSGI) has published a special issue titled »Geographies of the urban night«. This issue consists of twenty contributions and enhances our understanding of the urban night within the context of three continents, North America, Europe and Africa. These contributions address several concerns from tourism to mobility, as well as clubbing and partying, urban governance, mutation and critical urban explorations. The night is an innovative subject of research in the field of geography and the environmental, the economic and the social-cultural dimension are also considered by the authors.

Editors are Luc Gwiazdzinski, Marco Maggioli and Will Straw. The special issue is published by Firenze University Press at the University of Florence. All articles of this special issue are available here.

The special issue also presents a paper by Alessia Cibin (stadtnachacht) about her current research on the role of night ambassadors and new modes of night-time governance.

»Despite the increased relevance of NTE governance for issues of the promotion of economic growth and night-time conflict management, both in public debate and in scientific literature, the research on modes and forms of NTE governance is still sparse. «

Cibin, A. (2019): Nightlife Neighborhood Conflicts in Zurich. Innovative Practice of Governance involving Night Ambassadors. Bollettino Della SocietĂ  Geografica Italiana, 1(2), 219-230.
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