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Winter School – Night Cultures: (il)legalities and the politics of life after dark


Winter school on nighttime spaces, aesthetics and politics at Leiden University (NL). Deadline for registration: 15 December 2015.

Unter dem Titel »Night Cultures: (il)legalities and the politics of life after dark« veranstaltet das Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis in Kooperation mit dem Centre for the Arts in Society der Universität Leiden eine dreitägige Winter School.

»Notwithstanding the value of the so-called ‘spatial turn’ in the humanities and social sciences, some scholars have rightly noted how this has somewhat eclipsed the importance of time as a fruitful critical and analytical framework for the study of cultural dynamics. Among these, a small but increasing number of scholars has homed in on an important blind spot: the night and life after dark, which, in its social and symbolic constructions, is the focus of this seminar.«

Die Winter School – die sich vorwiegend an Studierende richtet – findet vom 20.-22. Januar 2016 in Leiden statt. Eine Anmeldung mit Abstrakt ist noch bis zum 15. Dezember möglich. Einen Gastvortrag hält u.a. Prof. Irina van Aalst von der Universität Utrecht.

»Through a combination of three guest lectures, close reading sessions and graduate presentations and discussions on pre-selected bibliography, film screenings etc, some of the topics we will cover include: night movements and surveillance/illegality; nightlife: pleasure, indulgence and repression; the post-colonial night; night and haunting; aesthetics of the night; transnational nightscapes.«


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