Start blog Conference on artificial light in Transylvania

Conference on artificial light in Transylvania


stadtnachacht_alan_artifical_lightCall for Papers & Posters: ALAN – Artificial Light at Night – 2016 conference

The ALAN conference series is dedicated to examining all aspects of artificial light at night. The broad scope of the conference extends from how light is produced, where it is present, what effects it has on humans and the environment, how it is perceived by the public and how the benefits and detriments of lighting may be balanced by regulation.

»This year’s conference will take place in Cluj-Napoca, Romania, from September 26-28. As always, ALAN will accept presentations related to all aspects of artificial light at night, with oral presentations roughly balanced among five themes: Technology and Design, Biology and Ecology, Measurement and Modelling, Society, and Health.«

Deadline: May 1 2016


The Conference is organized by »LoNNe – Loss of the Night Network« and the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca.

via: Josiane Meier

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