Start blog scholarship/stipendium: Race in London’s Night-Time Economy

scholarship/stipendium: Race in London’s Night-Time Economy


stadtnachacht_westminster_stipendiumDepartment of History, Sociology and Criminology at the University of Westminster offers a PhD Studentship, consisting of a fee waiver and annual stipend of £16,000 for three years.

The Studentship will commence in September 2016, and is available to applicants with a Home fee status only (usually defined as applicants from the UK and EU). Successful candidates will be expected to undertake some teaching duties. The thesis will be supervised by Dr Adam Eldridge and Dr Ben Pitcher.

»Over the past two decades there has been a considerable expansion of interest in evening and night-time economies. This growing body of work has emerged out of a number of disciplines, in particular criminology, sociology, geography, cultural studies and town planning. While much of the scholarship on the night-time economy has focused on young consumers in town and city centres, the dynamics of race and cultural difference have been relatively under-researched. This project provides an important opportunity for a qualitative focus on race and ethnicity in the night-time economy of London, a complex and diverse global city.«

The application should include a research proposal of 2,500‐3,000 words. Closing date for applications is 5pm on 25 February 2016.

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