Start blog open call: Scapegoat journal

open call: Scapegoat journal


stadtnachacht_scapegoatjournalCanadian Scapegoat journal welcomes proposals for essays, design projects, and reviews for a special issue on night.

Das kanadische Magazin SCAPEGOAT: Architecture | Landscape | Political Economy sucht Beiträge für eine Ausgabe mit dem Themenschwerpunkt Night.

»NIGHT stubbornly embraces the hidden, illicit, clandestine, lunatic, aquatic and unconscious. Management of the NIGHT grows as it is increasingly understood as a scene of production and an economic horizon. Yet NIGHT’s resistance is palpable. It is the object of interventions in urban culture such as the Nuits Blanches, lighting festivals, and the Dark Sky movement. It is on the agenda of city governments everywhere, as clashes over night-time noise, illumination, safety and freedom of movement focus broader tensions over gentrification and urban citizenship.

This issue of Scapegoat will look at the aesthetics, politics and technologies of the urban night. The non-stop and 24-hour cities of networked economies invite the development of what French geographer Luc Gwiazszinski calls a chrono-urbanism.

NIGHT brings architecture and landscape into this shadow of everyday life.«

Eingereicht werden können bis zum 30. November Projekte, Essays und Rezensionen.


»We are a biannual journal that engages the political and economic elements in the practice of architectural and landscape design.«


Mitherausgeber der Ausgabe sind Will Straw, Direktor und Autor des Forschungsnetzwerks und Internetblogs The Urban Night, sowie Christie Pearson.

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